How are you holding up? Feeling a little anxious? Depressed? Or maybe you're enjoying the slower pace?
I started this whole quarantine thing thinking that this would be the time that I organize my house, ramp up my business, clear out my inbox. I even posted on my instagram something about how Isaac Newton discovered the theory of gravity during the bubonic plague so surely, we can make the best of this situation.
I think that's a normal reaction (for me) when things feel out of our control- get productive and stay positive!
But here's the truth:
You do not need to do anything but be gentle with yourself during times of crisis.
You're doing the best you can.
You're coping with something that you've never had to deal with before.
Your whole world, sense of freedom and certainty has been stripped away.
So no. Now is not the time to be hard on yourself about finishing that to do list (unless you want to, then that's cool).
You don't even have to try to force yourself to be positive if you're freaking out. It's a scary, uncertain time. (Instead, put your hand on your heart when you're scared. Breathe and acknowledge the feeling with presence and compassion.)
And please, just be easy on yourself and others. We need love more than ever right now.
I think this is a time of deep healing for the Earth (have you heard about how clear the Venice Canals are, and the pollution reduction in China and LA? It's incredible!) and for ourselves.
Maybe we can use this time to recalibrate. Go inward. Allow ourselves to slow down. Tune into our inner voice.
Rest. Read. Create. Dance. Meditate. Pray. Connect with our loved ones. Send love and healing to the planet and everyone on it.
We're all in this together. It's scary and uncertain. We don't have to push that fear away by being positive or forcing something. Just balance it out with a big dose of self-compassion.
I love you. Hang in there. You're doing an amazing job of handling something that you've never had to handle before.
Sending you a big wave of peace, love and light.
P.S. I believe in the power of intention and prayer (and there's science to back it up!) so please join me in sending love to the world. Envision this darkness being transformed into light. See healing, kindness and positivity outweighing the fear.
And don't forget about the power of funny youtube videos. Those can be really healing too :)